Clubs & Association

IT Association


  • The association works with the goal of overall development of the students, which includes presentation skills, leadership and innovative thinking.
  • TO encourage the students to participate In extracurricular activities.
  • To educate students about growing IT technologies

Environmental Cell

Being with nature mentors the students’ psychological and physical well-being. It assists in diminishing strain, and refine concentration. On this call of nature, Nature Club with a noble cause, is formed to generate among the students, the awareness about the significance of safeguarding our nature & environment. The Club enlists students’ participation in sustaining a hygienic and healthy campus by planting more trees, holding seminars on topics related to current environmental problems, and conducting study tours to eco-tourism centres. All activities are planned and finalised through meetings. The Club, strives to evolve, a love for nature and environmental consciousness in the college community. Apart from these, the Club is also interested to medicinal plants and herbs, and also to promote the natural habitat of honey bees. The Club has also planned to arrange a nature camp and is working towards shape the college campus an eco-friendly place.


In order to meet the challenging needs of the corporate world, it is much needed that the students be equipped to take the reins of pragmatic sensibility. The Commerce Association was started to enrich and empower the students with academic and technical excellence. The Association directs to stimulate students to be abreast with the current events in Economics, Econometrics, and Business. It further fosters critical thinking in order to implement the concepts and theories learnt from classrooms and beyond. It also aims at bringing out the inherent talents of the students. The Association conducts detailed discussions on the major policies and governmental decisions in the global scenario such as GST, inflation, etc., which enables the students to think and analyse these in different dimensions. To broaden the outlook of students with exposure to good industry practices and regulations, industrial visits are regularly organised. Activities like ‘Brand Rangoli,’ ‘Quiz,’ ‘Commerce Fest,’ etc. are conducted so that the students can continue to expand the horizons of knowledge beyond what is taught in their classrooms.

Literary association

The Language Association functions with the overt aim to enlarge the imaginative faculties of students by exhorting them to give free expression to their ideas through various literary forms in Indian and foreign languages. The activities of this group are scheduled to augment the output of the members of the association and thereby imparting these values to the student community as a whole. The literary capabilities inherent in the students need to be brought out to give flair to their creative aptitude. The Association introduced a new word each day titled PADPARICHAY to enrich the students’ vocabulary. Padparichay is not restricted to English- we introduce new words in Kannada, Hindi, and Malayalam as well. The Association provides opportunities to the students by encouraging them participation in different activities like essay writing, versification, etc., to enhance their writing skills. We also conduct debate, extempore, JAMs, etc. to enhance their oral skills. The group is aimed at being a catalyst for the students to increase their skills in languages and fosters multilingualism.


Sports and games are vital for the development of a healthy person. Students are encouraged to take part in sports and games and made to understand that 'a healthy mind resides in a healthy body'. The Club was established to prosper athleticism to keep students healthy and in good spirit. This Club bestows specialist coaching and training opportunities for committed performers. It encourages the students to take part in Intercollegiate / Inter Zonal / Zonal games and Sport Meets apart from the Annual Sports Meet in college and other intramural events. Usually, various competitions in all indoor and outdoor games are conducted during Sports-Day celebrations. In addition, our students are categorised into different houses, and are encouraged to participate in different competitions. The College not only aims to improve a student's physical abilities, but also instil a sense of good sportsmanship in them. This year onward we are encouraging Women’s Football and Cricket matches apart from the usual Throw ball, Volleyball, Basketball, etc.


“Fine art is that in which the hand, the head and the heart of a man go together.”- said John Ruskin. The prime objective of the Fine Arts Association of the college is to invigorate and enable the students to actively learn and develop their talents and skills in artistic expression. Students interested in songs, dance, theatre, films, paintings, crafts and sculpture, etc., are given specialised training to improve their skills in Fine Arts. Competitions are also conducted regularly. Students are encouraged to participate in the competitions held at various colleges. Needless to say, students have unique ideas and powerful imaginations, and we provide them the needed space to work through their artistic expressions to the fullest.


The NSS unit has been initiated to arouse the social consciousness of students and provide them with the opportunity to work with the people around the educational campuses creatively and constructively, and to put the education they received to concrete social use. It is the primary aim of the scheme to enable the students to upgrade their personality and experience, through community service. Value Education is an important aspect of higher education in India, and through NSS we extend our support to the community by serving the needy. This service is related to awareness programmes, community building programmes, education and empowerment programmes, and crisis management programmes.

Nutrition Ora

Science Association is a successful approach that integrates high quality, hands-on knowledge and greater service to humanity through inventions and improvisations. The association serves as a valuable aid in teaching science through practical schemes, and also as a means of motivating the children for learning science. The successful working of this association depend on the persons who regulate it, and on the interest and enthusiasm of students. The types of activities undertaken by the association includes arranging talks and lectures from the distinguished speakers, training by subject experts, conducting discussions on the subject of the scientific interest, deliberating on the construct of models, striving for better mechanisms at lower costs, etc.


The college has a vigilant committee against instances of ragging. The Anti Ragging Cell takes measures to repeatedly remind students of the repercussions of ragging, and ensures that parents and new students are made aware of their rights. It ensures that none of the fresher is pushed to any harassment in the name of ragging either in the college premises or in the hostels. To create the awareness among the students of dehumanizing effects of ragging inherent in its perversity, the Anti Ragging Cell organises awareness programmes and guest lectures.


Anti-women Harassment Cell has been established to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to the staff and students of the college. The cell was constituted to develop the guidelines and norms for a policy against sexual harassment. One of the Women Cell’s mandate is to impede gender discrimination, and inappropriate sexual conduct. This is best achieved through promoting gender sensitivity and justice amongst all. The Cell has been working to raise awareness on gender equality issues and thus conducts talks and awareness programmes on empowering women.

Training & Placement Cell

To encompass information, guidance and counselling services to assist in making educational training, and occupational choice, the Career Guidance Cell has been functioning with the aim to provide assistance and advice to students to make them more powerful and better informed so that they can become architects in building their own future. It helps the students realise their strengths and weaknesses by instilling self-awareness and boosting their confidence levels through classes on personality development. With the academic commitment of the student, the cell regularly plans for some special trainings for the students that would widen the scope of their career options.


Protection of human rights is essential for the all-round development of an individual’s personality. To realize the primary needs of the students and staff, and secure civil liberties for everybody, a Grievance Redressal Cell has been constituted. The cell is intended to find solutions for grievances like physical or mental harassment, complaints regarding class room teaching, class room management, completion of syllabus, teaching methodology, infrastructure maintenance, etc. if and when they arise. The Grievance Redressal Cell has been set up to genuinely understand the grievances of students and parents, and to ensure remedial action. The Cell organises programmes and guest lectures to provide the students access to immediate hassle-free recourse to have their grievances redressed.

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