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Awareness Program on World Food Day

Oct 16, 2023 @ 11:15 AM

          On 16th October 2023, the Nutrition Association conducted an awareness program in celebration of World Food Day at 11:15 AM. The event was organized by the 3rd-year FND students. The event began with a quote: “Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world,” emphasizing the importance of food as a fundamental human right. World Food Day is a global initiative under the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) aimed at raising awareness about the significance of healthy diets and addressing the issue of world hunger. The event highlighted that while many of us have the privilege of having three meals a day, millions around the world struggle to access even one meal daily. The central message conveyed during the program was that hunger is not solely an issue of charity but also a matter of justice. Despite the world’s ability to produce enough food for everyone, one in every nine individuals still suffers from chronic hunger, primarily due to problems of accessibility and affordability. Several ways for individuals to celebrate and contribute to World Food Day were shared. These included visiting local farmers to understand the effort behind food production and the manufacturing of dairy products. Additionally, attendees were encouraged to donate to food banks or charities, emphasizing that even helping one person is a significant step towards ending world hunger. Fundraising activities were also promoted as a means to support these organizations. The program stressed the importance of reducing food wastage, highlighting that food is often wasted in canteens. Attendees were advised to buy only the amount of food they could consume to minimize wastage. In conclusion, the event not only encouraged helping others but also emphasized the significance of maintaining a balanced diet and keeping one’s health in check. It aimed to raise awareness and inspire action on the critical issues of global food security and nutrition. The Nutrition Association wished everyone a Happy World Food Day and called for collective efforts to make a difference in the fight against hunger.

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